

Sunday, August 26, 2007

New Video From

Lets Lower The Prices

Here is a comment I made on
"# Optimistic Ibo Says:
August 14th, 2007 at 6:42 am

My opinion on how it all began;

Amway started out as a mlm focusing on retailing first, sponsoring second, personal development third.

The high pin Ibos realized that they get to keep all of the profits on tools as opposed to profits on products which they had to share with their downline. They therefore switched their priorities to: personal development first, sponsoring 2, retailing third.

Amway decided to capitalize on the brainwashed zombies that tools have created by raising prices inproportionately to commercial standards since they knew that the zombies will hyper consume the product at any price.

Amway gets a bad rep due to the tool scam and high prices and tries to cover up by Changing their name to Quixtar. The cover up fails ( Date line NBC, Merchant of Deception, etc.).

Quixtar decides to change back to Amway in an effort to encourage retailing product and terminates two known tool scam artists in an effort to clean up the tools scam.

My opinion of the future

The brainwashed zombies will slowly start becoming normal people and stop hyper-consuming over priced products while having a hard time retailing them again due to their high price.

Amway will star losing it's sales volume and will be forced to lower the prices in an effort to bring up the sales volume.

i hope I'm right about the future, and if I am, it really is exciting."

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